Deb Argha Saha

ME Sophomore at NIT Durgapur | Machine Learning Intern at Verzeo

I am a student of Mechanical Engineering with interests in Web Development and Software. Currently a sophomore at the National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, I am actively looking for internships in my area of study.

I have excellent attention to detail and am good at three-dimensional visualization, given proper description. Armed with a fertile imagination, I pick up instructions and new skills pretty quickly once demonstrated.

I am proficient in HTML5, Web Accessibility, and CSS3, comfortable with programming in Javascript, Java, and C, and familiar with Python. I am currently brushing up my skills in web development.

I indulge in chess matches with my friends from time to time, and in my leisure, read books and watch movies.

Featured Projects

View selected projects below. More information can be found at my LinkedIn profile.

Portfolio Website

Portfolio Site

After learning the basics of HTML5 and CSS3, I have been designing this website to showcase my portfolio, starting in April 2021. It is still a work in progress, so expect frequent changes in the design. The site is hosted on Github Pages and you are already looking through it.

  • Designed the basic content layout.
  • Added CSS rules to beautify the content.
  • Used position:sticky for the navigation bar.
  • As soon I hone my JavaScript skills, I will add some here.


It is a basic static site, rough around the edges since I am only a little more than a beginner.

View project files on Github Homepage

Work Experience

I have experience in collaborating with small teams to accomplish detailed projects.

Coming Soon


National Institute of Technology Durgapur

NIT Durgapur Logo

B.Tech - Mechanical Engineering

CGPA 8.93 (interim)

  • Ex in Computing (1st Year)
  • Ex in Electronics (1st Year)

Delhi Public School Megacity Kolkata

DPS Megacity Logo

Indian School Certificate (ISC Class XII) - Science with Computer

Grade 93.2%

Achieved Highest Grades in ISC:

  • 100 in Mathematics (Subject Topper)
  • 98 in Physics
  • 97 in Computer Science
  • 92 in English

Delhi Public School Megacity Kolkata

DPS Megacity Logo

Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE Class X) - Science with Computer

Grade 96.7%

Achieved Highest Grades in ICSE:

Consistently achieved marks above 90 in all subjects.



Issued May 2021 - No Expiration Date
Credential ID 3E21C9C46F96

See credential

HackerRank Logo

Java (Basic)

Issued May 2021 - No Expiration Date
Credential ID 7E7A91D6B6D0

See credential

HackerRank Logo

Problem Solving (Basic)

Issued May 2021 - No Expiration Date
Credential ID 14B1046AACE0

See credential

HackerRank Logo

CSS Essential Training

LinkedIn Learning
Issued May 2021 - No Expiration Date
Credential ID AQrcdZ3rsC-GoS0FD-Tw8yH3MHvm

See credential

LinkedIn Logo

Introduction to CSS3

University of Michigan
Issued - No Expiration Date
Credential ID 4DSPQUKFK92N

See credential

University of Michigan Logo

HTML Essential Training

LinkedIn Learning
Issued Apr 2021 - No Expiration Date
Credential ID AVka0rEEONcNPtEembv7aTHe0X5R

See credential

LinkedIn Logo

Introduction to HTML5

University of Michigan
Issued Apr 2021 - No Expiration Date
Credential ID 39ESVS35C94M

See credential

University of Michigan Logo

Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging

LinkedIn Learning
Issued May 2021 - No Expiration Date
Credential ID AR3iTwR88XQo3WFRnXTOw-_IjH4u

See credential

LinkedIn Logo

Unconscious Bias

LinkedIn Learning
Issued Apr 2021 - No Expiration Date
Credential ID ATzZbJ9TsC36f8c_iosrichfu3R5

See credential

LinkedIn Logo

Machine Learning with Python

Issued Jul 2020 - No Expiration Date
Credential ID 3266582794

See credential

Verzeo Logo

UCMAS Graduate (International Grading Exam)

Issued Apr 2017 - No Expiration Date

See credential


I'm Skilled In

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • English
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Industry Knowledge

  • Programming
  • Programming Languages
  • Machine Learning
  • Design of Experiments (DOE)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Front-end Development
  • Web Design

Tools & Technologies

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Java (Programming Language)
  • Python (Programming Language)
  • C (Programming Language)
  • HTML5
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • JavaScript

Interpersonal Skills

  • Problem Solving
  • Attention to Detail
  • Communication
  • Mindfulness
  • Social Inclusion
  • Teamwork

My Hobbies

  • Chess
  • SciFi Books
  • Action Movies
Academic Icon