Deb Argha Saha

ME Sophomore at NIT Durgapur | Machine Learning Intern at Verzeo

I am a student of Mechanical Engineering and aspire to be a Mechanical Design Engineer. Currently a sophomore at the National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, I am actively looking for internships in my area of study.

I have excellent attention to detail and am good at three-dimensional visualization, given proper description. Armed with a fertile imagination, I pick up instructions and new skills pretty quickly once demonstrated.

I am proficient in mechanical design software like AutoCAD, comfortable with programming in Java, C, and MATLAB, and familiar with Python, and Machine Learning Algorithms. I am also training myself in web development.

I indulge in chess matches with my friends from time to time, and in my leisure, read books and watch movies.

This was my very first webpage, part of the HTML5 course.

Deb Argha Saha

Favourite Foods


Progress in this course (100%)
Progress in the Specialization Capstone (20%)
Progress in life goals (35%)

More About Me

My Childhood

I grew up in my hometown in India. I lived near a big city and I really miss the fast moving vehicles and the lights at night.

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